Primo Software
vscode dotnet csharp cpp windows ubuntu macos linux

Getting Started with .NET and Visual Studio Code on Windows

Before going through these steps make sure you have done Setup .NET development environment on Windows

Visual Studio Code

Download and install from Visual Studio Code site.

Open Visual Studio Code and press Ctrl + Shift + P. Select Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH.

Close Visual Studio Code.

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Setup .NET development environment on Windows

Setup for Windows

Scripts are PowerShell.

Download the dotnet-install.ps1 script

Invoke-WebRequest '' -OutFile 'dotnet-install.ps1';
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Getting Started with C++ and Visual Studio Code on Windows

Before going through these steps make sure you have done Setup C++ development environment on Windows

Visual Studio Code

Download and install from Visual Studio Code site.

Open Visual Studio Code and press Cmd + Shift + P. Select Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH.

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Setup C++ development environment on Windows

These steps were tested on Windows 11, 23H2. Scripts are PowerShell.

Visual Studio 2022

This is needed for the C++ compiler. Install Visual Studio 2022 Community Edition.

During installation select C++ desktop development and latest Windows 10 and Windows 11 SDKs.

After installation open Visual Studio and check for updates. Install the latest 2022 version that is available.

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Getting Started with .NET and Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu

Before going through these steps make sure you have done Setup .NET development environment on Ubuntu

Visual Studio Code

Download and install from Visual Studio Code site.

Open Visual Studio Code and press Ctrl + Shift + P. Select Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH.

Close Visual Studio Code.

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Setup .NET development environment on Ubuntu

Setup for Ubuntu

Download the script

curl -sSL >
chmod +x
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Getting Started with C++ and Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu

Before going through these steps make sure you have done Setup C++ development environment on Ubuntu

Visual Studio Code

Download and install from Visual Studio Code site.

Open Visual Studio Code and press Cmd + Shift + P. Select Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH.

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Setup C++ development environment on Ubuntu

These steps were tested on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS. Scripts are bash.


sudo apt install build-essential
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vscode dotnet csharp cpp windows ubuntu macos linux